Los irlandeses se unieron esta noche en una muestra única de solidaridad con valientes profesionales de la salud que arriesgan sus vidas en la lucha contra el coronavirus.
Cuando dieron las 20:00, el pueblo de Irlanda participó en una hermosa iniciativa. En los balcones, en los lugares de trabajo, en los jardines, frente a sus hogares, en las ventanas, todos rindieron homenaje a los trabajadores de la salud que luchan valientemente por nuestra salud durante todo el día frente a la pandemia mortal de COVID-19.
Compruébalo por ti mismo…
Love the way Ireland’s state broadcaster @rtenews did a Special broadcast of the applause for frontline healthcare staff 👏 👏 👏 well deserved #clapforourcarers #clapfornhs https://t.co/RcxLhAOyDR
— Bríd Stenson (@bridstenson) March 26, 2020
Applause as a mark of thanks and respect to the workers in the front line. pic.twitter.com/qHxWybOSjq
— VideoParliament Ireland (@videoparliament) March 26, 2020
Ringsend tonight at 8pm. Applause, Church bells ringing, listen to the end for fireworks.. surreal #Dublin #Ireland #COVID2019 pic.twitter.com/orWJotan09
— Mick D'Arcy (@the_dorce) March 26, 2020
Applause 👏 to the doctors and all professionals on HSE! Together we will win! #Ireland #Dublin #Mycommunity pic.twitter.com/kOHV9WbYUy
— clark (@mcsmonte) March 26, 2020
At 8pm this evening, we will be joining in the nationwide applause for our #healthcareheroes who are at the frontline of Ireland’s response to #COVID19. 👏👏👏#COVID19ireland pic.twitter.com/y82Jq7yJLk
— RCSI (@RCSI_Irl) March 26, 2020
As the Dáil interrupted its order of business at 8pm to join in a national moment of applause for frontline workers at the vanguard of Ireland's #covid19 response, our frontline staff @CorkAirport joined in this national show of appreciation tonight. pic.twitter.com/zAbv5Jh8fm
— Cork Airport (@CorkAirport) March 26, 2020